Friday, May 27, 2011

Life is just way to busy sometimes

Well I can't believe that it has been over a year since I last wrote on this blog thing so I thought that I would give it a go. Life in our household has been kind of crazy with work, family, yard work and life in general. Over the past 22 months my NICU has had some really severe growing pains and I do not see it changing anytime soon. The unit has built to hold a 39 bed capacity and our average these past months has been 55. Double bunking the twins and triplets has helped reduce space as well as putting babies between bed spaces. We are getting a pediatric surgeon this fall and that will increase our admissions a bit more. I am told that we are growing into the largest NICU's for the corporation with the amount of babies we are having. It has been quite the challenge to staff the unit and manage that many women. Trust me when I say that it is not an easy task to do.
I am hoping that summer will finally show up so I can work in my yard and garden and enjoy the warmer weather. I just became a beekeeper this spring and they are tired of hanging out in their hive and want to fly the neighborhood and make me some honey. I have two hives with about 15,000 bees per hive and they are as gentle as can be. I also became a grandpa this past Winter and that is the best feeling to see the rewards of your children. His name is Mason and he is the son of my daughter Sarah along with her husband Kerry Croff, the proud parents. He smile a lot and spits up a lot but I love holding him and making him smile.