Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Summer is almost gone

I can't believe that the summer months are almost gone and that the kids are going back to school. The only good news about this time of year is that Football season is just beginning and boy am I excited about that, go UTES. It continues to be a fast paced race in good old happy valley USA with all of the babies being born in Provo Utah. My NICU is still over max capacity with an average census of about 52 patients. Even though the unit was built for 39 we have not seen that few patients for almost 2 years. It is a good thing that we are in the process of expanding our unit to 60 patients but I just afraid that if we built it they will come.
I learned a very important lesson last night with regards to me being a bee keeper and that is "DO NOT CHECK ON YOUR BEES AT NIGHT OR AFTER DARK" Bees have a natural instinct to protect their hive at night due to all of the predators that attack the hives at night like raccoons, skunks, bears, unsuspecting bee keepers. I lifted off the top of the hive to see how they were doing and they immediately attacked me and swarmed me. After I escaped and ran away into my garage where about 10 to 20 of them follow me in and continued to attack me. After being stung about 9 times and my dog getting stung once we were able to get away and let them calm down. I grabbed my smoker and was able to put the hive back together and left them alone for another day. My hives are getting pretty full of wonderful honey that is going to taste pretty good after being stung. Next time I will make sure that I wear a little more protection and keep them calm during the harvesting process.
Take a look at my little grandson who is also a UTES fan, I a trying to bring in up the right way.