Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Well I think that summer has arrived to Utah with the temperature going from the 60's to the 80's overnight. It is a time to get the BBQ cleaned and ready for our new patio so that we can enjoy the evenings after work outside. We bought two big tables and umbrellas along with 16 chairs so all of our friends can have a place to sit. Now I am not saying that I only have 16 friends but at least 16 of them can come over at the same time. This week is a very busy one for me due to all of the training will be coming to a head in 36 hours with the race RAGNAR or Wasatch back relay race. Our team "McDreamy and the preemie's" (I'm McDreamy) because I am the only guy on the team. The team is coming over to dinner before our race tomorrow for some pasta and then we head up to Logan because our start time is 5:00AM. Hope my legs don't fall off from this old body of mine. My bees are doing great and flying around the yard pollinating the neighbors flowers and gardens. They are really fun to watch as they go in and out of the hive with their tiny bodies covered with pollen. Let's just hope that they make me tons of honey to share with anyone who loves fresh honey.
Work is STILL busy, and I can't believe it. Where are these babies coming from down in Utah County? I am in the process of hiring 14 to 17 nurses just to keep up with the demand and to prevent my staff from burning out from being over worked. You would think that their is something in the water in Provo that makes Utah County the birthing capitol of the world. Let's just hope that after I get them hired our census doesn't drop.
The grandson (Mason)is doing great and is growing up very fast. Having cared for babies my entire life at the hospital I never usually get to see them grow up after they leave so this is a great experience to watch him grow up.


Armstrong said...

WOW, you are one busy guy! congratulations on the new grandson-he is adorable. I would LOVE some fresh honey, we are neighbors, right?

Good luck on the race. I am sure you will do great. All those women are lucky to have you on their team.

Thaks for updating the blog. It's great to see what you have been up to. I would love to work for you but can't do the 6-6 because of Brad's schedule but wish you the best in hiring some awesome nurses.

Keep in touch :)

Jackie said...

Wow the ragnar?!?!? Impressive. And I love the team name. I laughed out loud of course. My brother ran the race this year. I am still waiting to hear how it went for him. Congrats on bees, work and grandkids!!!