Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Keeping busy

Well it has been a very busy past couple of months down in happy valley USA. I think that BYU and the phrase "Multiply and replenish the earth" go hand and hand down in Provo. During the middle of March my unit hit 68 babies in a unit that was built for 38 babies. Since then my average census has been between 50 to 56 babies everyday, using about 24 to 25 nurses a shift. Now as the manager when I could be making some serious cash by working 60 hours a week I get to be salaried and work 60 hours a week any way. Some of my staff that are picking up extra shifts are making a ton more than me without all the worry of trying to find staff to work in the unit. I still love my job though and I am learning just what it takes to be successful and productive. Learning how to budget a 30 plus million dollar unit is very interesting and spending money that does not belong to me personally is kind of different. I'm mister tight wad and very conservative when it comes to spending money, especially when it is my companies money.
Life at the Wilcox household is slowly starting to settle down, Kathryn is slowing recovering from her hysterectomy and her ruptured appendix. She is feeling much better now that her staples are out since they forgot to get them all before she left the hospital. She said that I was fired for not making sure they got them all out. It was tucked inside her belly button and she made me take her back to the hospital at midnight when she noticed it after her first shower in 10 days.
The wind is blowing so hard right now that I believe that our house might blow away. Our neighbor just call and told us that our cover over our boat just blew over the fence so I guess I need to go. See ya soon. Jerold


Armstrong said...

I am glad to here the Kathryn is feeling better. You have always been such a hard worker that I am sure you are making such a huge difference down at UVH. I hope you have time to get out and play when the good weather finally arrives. Until then, good luck with that boat cover!

Jackie said...

I am so sorry to hear about your wife and the surgery. Glad to hear she is on the mend. I forgot that you were not working directly with the babies anymore. Those kids are lucky to have you behind the scenes though. There are nights when Cassie still cannot sleep and for the record I still blame you for walking her all around the NICU all night long; :> LOL. We were so lucky to have you there to "protect" our little ones. We will have to see if we can see you when we come to Utah this summer. What fun would that be?

Lynnette and Paul said...

Holy have been busy at work with such a crazy census.....send some babies to us at IMC! Sorry to hear Kathryn has had some health setbacks but I am glad that she is doing better. Tell her hello. Good thing you could enjoy yourselves in Maui recently :) Looks like you had fun.
We all sure miss you at IMC but are thrilled that you are enjoying your job at Utah Valley. They are lucky to have you. Take care.....

Jeff and Nanci said...

Hi Jerold and Kathryn! I'm so glad Kathryn is feeling better, and I would have to agree she should fire you for not getting her staples out. :) It was great to see you the other day!! We miss you tons. I hear some of our nurses are wanting to come work for you. I don't blame them one bit. I would totally do it myself if I lived closer. I hope they get the job. Everyone that's been there to help your unit out has said it was a good experience. We still need to get together at least sometime in the summer. Maybe a day ski trip or something would do the trick. I'll get after Jeff to give you a call and even go to dinner. Talk to you soon!!

Brittany said...

wow you posted! :) obviously I haven't checked in awhile! Work sounds crazy busy but I'm sure you are loving it - you were made for management, Jerold! You are so organized, skilled, and work GREAT with people.I'm happy that you are liking it. I'm still not working as a nurse...but hopefully soon I'll get a job in a NICU up here! I hope Kathryn is feeling much better by now - that surgery did not sound fun. Hope things are going well - come visit sometime! :)